Thursday, April 26, 2012

A postcard from Madagascar: the Island of Nosy Be

Madagascar lies in the Indian Ocean off the southeast coast of Africa opposite Mozambique. It is the world's fourth-largest island.

Formerly an independent kingdom, Madagascar became a French colony in 1896. Independence follows in 1960, under the new name of the Malagasy republic.

Nosy Be is an island located off the northwest coast of Madagascar. Nosy Be is Madagascar's largest and busiest tourist resort.

Nosy Be is an island paradise rich in fauna and flora, a scuba divers promised land with an extensive coral reef system housing creatures & corals from all over the Indian ocean.

(left) From a set of 8 stamps about flowers: Asteropeia amblyocarpais, a plant endemic to Madagascar.

(right) Solar Eclipse Africa 2001: On June 21, 2001 a total eclipse of the Sun darkened the continent of Africa.


  1. Hi Maick! I am glad post card arrived so quickly. Had not expected the Madagascar Postal services to be efficient. Good!

    For more info about this special island


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