Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A postcard from Guam: Rock formations at Tanguisson Beach

Guam is located in the western Pacific Ocean. It is the southernmost and largest island in the Mariana island chain and is also the largest island in Micronesia. The indigenous people of Guam are the Chamorros.

“The island of Guam, Guahan in native Chamorro, is a truely cosmopolitan community that reflects the cultures of its original Chamorro inhabitants as early as 2,000 B.C., influenced by countless European, American, Asian, Micronesian, and other people who have occupied, visited and immigrated to Guam since the 16th Century.”

Guam was colonized by Spain from 1595 – 1898. At the end of the Spanish American War the United Stated gained control over the island in 1898. In WWII it was occupied by Japan from 1941 – 1944 but the United States reclaimed it in 1944.

Guam uses USA stamps. The stamp is cancelled in the village of Barrigada.


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