Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A postcard from the West Indies: Curacao

“Un-drenched beaches, Clear Turquoise Ocean, and Unbelievable weather are just some of the few trademarks that make Curacao a true paradise to live in.”

Willemstad is the capital city of Curaçao, an island in the southern Caribbean Sea. The historic centre of the city consists of two quarters: Punda and Otrobanda. The original name of Punda was “ de punt”  in Dutch. Otrobanda, which was founded in 1707, is the newer section of the city and is considered to be the cultural center of Willemstad. Its name originated from the Papiamentu otro banda, which means "the other side."

A blue and yellow Cherubfish with two stars of the Curacao flag.


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