Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Rockhoppers of Tristan da Cunha

Tristan da Cunha is an active volcanic island with rare wildlife and home to 266 British Citizens
living in the world's most isolated settlement of ‘Edinburgh of the Seven Seas’. The island was first discovered in 1506 by the the Portuguese sailor Tristão da Cunha.

The island is part of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha—a territory of the United Kingdom. The nearest speck of land, St. Helena, is a whopping 2,430 km away, and it's over 2,816 km to the nearest continent, Africa. Making Tristan da Cunha the most remote inhabited island in the world.  

More than 99% of northern rockhopper penguins breed on Tristan da Cunha and neighboring Gough Island.
Two William and Kate wedding stamps and a WWF stamp in the middle. 

Thx Ruben!


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