Friday, August 15, 2014

Monte Carlo | Monaco

Monaco is a tiny country hidden amongst the south of France, the second smallest country after Vatican city. With only 32,000 inhabitants.  

The small picture on the left shows the Monte Carlo casino. Did you know that if you happen to be a local, the Monte Carlo Casino is a no-go area?. The citizens of Monaco are prohibited from playing here. In fact, you’ll be asked to show your passport at the door.

The small picture on the right is the Prince's Palace of Monaco, the official residence of the Prince of Monaco, Prince Albert II.  
Monaco is one of the 14 members of SEPAC (Small European Postal Administrations Cooperations). The 2014 Sepac issues have a common theme “flowers”. Monaco’s issue depicts the Protea, a typical flower of …South Africa. Well, Charlene, Princess of Monaco is of South African origin.


  1. We have been there - it is an amazing place! After our visit to the casino, we went to the Paris cafe across the street and had some of the best tasting sweets I have ever eaten. Inside the casino you have to lock up your cameras. They are not allowed inside :D

  2. Hi,
    The first time I ever saw Monaco was on TV, when watching Formula 1. Even if Monaco is known to be a small country, it sure is a luxurious one! I didn’t know what SEPAC meant until now. Thanks for explaining that. I checked out an online stamp catalogue I usually visit and went to Monaco. I found the same stamp which was issued in 2014, June 2014. It was entitled SEPAC Issue – Flowers.


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