Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The Rock of Gibraltar

Gibraltar is a British overseas territory located on the southern end of the Iberian Peninsula at the entrance of the Mediterranean.  In the background you see the iconic Rock of Gibraltar rising up 426 meters.

Gibraltar isn't exactly a paradise of open space. Most of the 30,000 population of this 2.6 square mile peninsula live in flats, packed on land at the base of the rock. 

Gibraltar looks like a little bit of England transported to a rocky outcrop less than 16km from the coast of North Africa: red telephone boxes; bobbies with their distinctive helmets and a Marks and Spencer on the high street. If there is one place in the UK that definitely doesn't want to leave the EU it is Gibraltar. Residents of "The Rock" voted overwhelmingly - by 96% - to stay in the European Union.


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