Saturday, February 2, 2013

Martyrs' Square, Beirut

Martyr's Square has a very rich history. Few statues in the world had witnessed a country history the way the Martyr square and statue did in Beirut.  You can read more about the square in this post:

In the back you see the Rivoli Cinema.  Did you know that in the late 1950s and early 1960s the Lebanese were considered to be the foremost cinemagoers in the world? UNESCO’s 1965 annual report “Facts and Figures” reveals that Lebanese cinema attendance reached its peak in 1960 when Lebanon was rated the second in the world with each Lebanese buying an average of 22.5 tickets per annum!
(left) The main post office building in Beirut.
(middle) From a series of 10 stamps with different themes, Civil Defence.
(right) A stamp to celebrate Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to Lebanon in September 2012.


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