Saturday, February 2, 2013

مسجد الحسن الثاني ‎Mosque Hassan II Casablanca

The Hassan II Mosque is a mosque in Casablanca, Morocco. It is the largest mosque in the country and the 7th largest in the world.

King Hassan II stated (on his birthday in 1980) his desire for the city to "be endowed with a large, fine building of which it can be proud until the end of time."

Thirteen years later, he inaugurated the Hassan II Mosque. Built on a rocky outcrop of reclaimed land -- in response to Hassan II's translation of the Koranic verse that proclaims God's throne was built upon water -- the mosque is a truly marvelous piece of architecture. 

King Hassan II was King of Morocco from 1961 until his death in 1999.


Mohammed VI (21 August 1963) is the present King of Morocco.


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