Thursday, March 28, 2013

Leh Palace in Ladakh, India

Jammu and Kashmir is the northernmost state under Indian administration. It is situated mostly in the Himalayan mountains. One of the three regions in Jammu and Kashmir Ladakh, also known as "Little Tibet".

Leh Palace was built in the 17th century as a royal residence for King Singe Namgyal. The palace overlooks the Ladakhi Himalayan town of Leh, modelled on the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet. 

(left) Indira Gandhi (1917 – 1984) was the third Prime Minister of India and a central figure in Indian politics during the second half of the 20th century.

(right) Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman, (1888 – 1970) was an Indian physicist and Nobel Prize winner (1930).


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