Friday, March 29, 2013

Mosi-da-Tunya | Victoria Falls, Zambia

Zambia is a landlocked country in Southern Africa. Zambia is natural haven for a great deal of wildlife.

A paradise for animal lovers, the country offers some of the best sanctuaries and natural parks of the world, within its boundaries. There are in total 19 national parks.

Zambia has 17 waterfalls, the largest of which is Victoria Falls. It is the largest waterfall in the world: a 1708 meters wide water curtain. The local people call it "Mosi-oa-Tunya" -- the smoke that thunders!

The falls and the surrounding area have been declared National Parks and a World Heritage Site.
The Blacksmith Plover, a bird found in southern Africa and eastern Africa. It has a wide range of habitats including shorelines of inland waters, wet pastures and tidal flats in bays and lagoons.


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