Friday, September 13, 2013

Tukuls from Ethiopia

Tukuls: a cone-shaped mud hut, usually with a thatched roof, found in eastern and northeastern Africa. Tukuls are the typical housing for southern Ethiopia, a simple and basic but useful home for many Ethiopians. About 85% of its 90 million inhabitants live in rural and remote areas.

Did you know that Ethiopian calendar is seven years and eight months behind the rest of the world? The time difference goes back to 1582, when the rest of the Christian world adopted the new Gregorian calendar. However, Ethiopia kept the old Julian calendar.

Definitive stamps Menelik Bushbuck (2002) and Critically endangered species: the Black Rhino. 

This postcard travelled almost 4 months to reach its destination. Well, Ethiopia is far away, but….. there is another reason. Our local mailman decided not to deliver all of the mail, but save some in his garage. He was caught recently and a week ago I found appr. 60 postcards in my mailbox. My missing postcards since 2011!


  1. An interesting trivia about the Ethiopian calendar! Thank you for sharing your tukul card, - Learned something new today!


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