Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Son Bou Beach, Menorca

The Balearic Islands are an archipelago of Spain in the western Mediterranean Sea. The four largest islands are: Majorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera. Son Bou is a village in Menorca. 
The beach at Son Bou is the longest on the island - some 3km of golden sands. 

At first glance I thought it was sent from Switzerland. But what looks like a Swiss stamp is ..well a Swiss stamp.

This is how it works: In many souvenir shops, kiosks, hotels and camping sites you can buy ”Swiss Post stickers” that can be used to mail postcards from Spain to anywhere abroad. Postcards bearing ”Swiss Post stickers” must be placed in a ”Swiss Post mailbox”, which you can find at the sales points. The ”Swiss Post mailboxes” are yellow and bear a ”Swiss Post” logo accompanied by a red-rimmed cross. Swiss Post will then collect and dispatch your postcards.


  1. Very interesting - and they use Royal Mail (UK) airmail stickers


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