Friday, September 12, 2014

Traditional Ethiopian Leather Painting Postcard

Ethiopian art comes in many forms. One of these is the painting on leather goatskin. Yes you already guessed it, this is actually a postcard made of a piece of worn leather. Beautifully painted in the unique Ethiopian style. 

A ‘childlike’ style of painting, figures are drawn in two dimensions, almost cartoon-like in their direct and simplistic portrayal, with strong colors and clear lines. The large almond-shaped eyes are a particularly appealing characteristic. And look at those feet.

Two definitive stamps, Menelik’s Bushbuck. This time the value of 2 Birr and 5 Birr. In Ethiopia two types of Bushbuck can be found: Meneliki and Powelli. Both are fairly widespread and can be seen in much of Ethiopia's highland forest.


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