Sunday, March 22, 2015

A postcard from Chad

Chad is a landlocked country in Central Africa, bordered by Libya, Sudan, the Central African Republic, Cameroon, Nigeria and Niger. It is the fifth largest country in Africa in terms of area.
As you can see on this postcard, much of the country is positioned within the hot and dry Sahara Desert, covering Chad with sand and barren scrub land. 
Sauvegarde Du Lac-Tchad

Lake Chad has been a source of freshwater for irrigation projects Chad, Niger and Cameroon. Satellite images show a dramatic decrease in the size of the lake over the past 30 years. Since 1963, the lake has shrunk to nearly a twentieth of its original size, due both to climatic changes and to high demands for agricultural water.


  1. Wow! Chad is definitely one of the hardest countries to get. Congratulations! :-)


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