Saturday, March 14, 2015

Timphu, Capital of Bhutan

Bhutan is a landlocked country in South Asia located at the eastern end of the Himalayas. It is bordered by China and India. Thimphu is the capital and largest city of Bhutan.
Part of a set of 9 stamps Wild Flowers of Bhutan (issue 2014). 


  1. Hello - I just found your blog. I am looking forward to your posts as I have recently began collecting postcards as well.
    Any helpful tips would be great.
    I am including my address and if anyone should send me a postcard that includes their return address I will send one back as well.

    I would like to eventually have one from every State and Province and as many countries as possible
    I love getting snail mail and I am sure my postman would love delivering to my address..
    So you get to encourage him and me... That sounds like a good thing to do..

    Postcards with anything thing that you think is showing off your city... Or anything interesting to you..
    My address
    Marty Marquette
    301 - 40100 Willow Crescent
    Squamish BC
    V8B 0L8

    I look forward to checking my mail box and seeing some interesting cards... And if you include your return address I would gladly send one back.

    Thank you so much


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