Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Bonaire Sea Turtle

The island of Bonaire is located in the Caribbean, about  50 miles north of Venezuela and 86 miles east of Aruba. The population is only 17,500. 

Sea turtles are threatened with extinction. Populations are declining worldwide due to fishing, increased coastal tourism and marine pollution. Nearly all Caribbean populations are severely depleted.
One of the sea turtle species found in Bonaire is the hawksbill. Adult hawksbills lay their eggs on the island's beaches each year. The capture of sea turtles is prohibited on Bonaire, as is the buying and selling of sea turtle products like shells, meat, eggs and jewelry.

Just a postmark, earlier this year no stamps were available on the island. Probably as a result of all the postal issues on Bonaire.


  1. Turtles are beautiful, clumsy on land and graceful in water. I've seen few females laying eggs, not lucky enough to see baby turtles hatch, though.

  2. It looks like there is no stamps nowadays in Bonaire, St Estatius and Saba... I was recently on Saba - they had only Dutch Caribbeans labels. In the post-office they explained me that the island changed its political status couple years ago so they are supposed to use new stamps now. The old stamps are out of stock for many months already but new ones haven't arrived yet (and they even don't know when they arrive...). Probably the same problem is in Bonaire.

  3. It was the same on the Islands when I was there a few years back even before the change. So if you want mail with stamps , you have to buy them from the Philatelic bureau and bring them with you.. How crazy is that?


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